CLOTH Project website launched


CLOTH Project website,, which integrates the Fashion Platform,, is now active; it will be the main communication tool both for the organisations involved in the project as well as for the clusters’ members helping them to share know-how, experiences, best practices in line with the goal of a more competitive, greener, smarter, international Fashion sector.

August 2022 – The CLOTH Project, the European alliance which brings together individuals, companies and clusters working on the transformation of the fashion sector towards sustainability and digitalization, has now an active website, as its main communications tool.

It will serve multiple functions. First, it will provide information about the Project mission, its objectives, news about the events and various project activities and reports about the results achieved during the project implementation. All documents elaborated along the project will be uploaded in website, using available free document sharing facility.

On the other hand the Fashion Platform will facilitate communication between the cluster members, allowing them to share best practices, the challenges faced, exchange ideas, promote a collaboration environment within the network which will hopefully support innovative projects at European and International level. It will also improve the interaction between clusters’ members and the CLOTH project partners.

Finally, the website will be an important tool which will allow CLOTH Project de achieve de objective of increasing the awareness on the new dynamics inside the Fashion industry at the continent level and the role played by clusters and SMEs. It is important to stress the fact the fact that the website will be maintained at least another five years after the project ends in 2024.


CLOTH project – CLuster Alliance fOr the Transition to green and digital fasHion – is a new alliance aiming to create a favorable ecosystem of relevant stakeholders, from a cross-sectoral perspective, promoting a greener, smarter, and more competitive and innovative European Fashion industry.

The CLOTH project is an integrated cross-sectoral partnership with 5 partners from 5 European countries (Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Denmark, and France) working on different value chains: Fashion and Textile, circular economy, creative industry and Digital. During the EU supported CLOTH Project will be organized minimum 100 short- term exchanges between targeted members of clusters located in other countries.

The CLOTH project is funded by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA), under the powers delegated by the European Commission, COSME programme, call COS-CLUSTER-2020-3-03 / COS-CLUSTER-2020-3-03-1 (European Cluster Excellence Programme with ClusterXchange scheme connecting ecosystems and cities).


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