PRMIA Global Event Series on Credit Risk Management


riscPRMIA Bucharest Chapter organizeaza in data de 24 aprilie 2009 primul eveniment dedicat managementului riscului de credit. Subiectul principal al acestui eveniment este „PRMIA Global Event Series on Credit Risk Management”.

Tinand cont de recentele evenimente din mediul economic, consideram ca veti gasi topicul prezentarilor mai mult decat interesant si util:

Mr. Tamas Erni: „Collateral management and monitoring challenges in a downturn economy with falling asset prices. How this can be managed from a risk perspective, and how the losses can be limited by using the most modern techniques for portfolio monitoring and collection.”
Mr. Ran Fuchs: „Monte Carlo analysis for credit Risk Management”.
Mr. Keve Mller: „Credit Risk Model Validation in Practice”

Va invitam sa participati la acest eveniment!

Detalii organizatorice
Data: Apr 24, 2009 , 3:30 PM
Cost : intrare libera
ATE Bank Bucharest Romania
Sala de conferinte ATEBANK Romania
Etaj 3, Calea Grivitei nr. 24,
Sector 1 -Bucuresti
Interactive map:
Detalii si inregistrare:

Prezentarea speakerilor

Mr. Tamas Erni

Tamas Erni is partner in LOXON solutions Ltd responsible for the operations of the company in the Central and Eastern European and Middle East and Africa regions.

He has graduated from finance on the Budapest University of Economic Sciences. He started his career by Raiffeisen Bank Hungary in 1999 in the field of risk management. Later worked for Ecostat Institut at the Hungarian Statictical Office and played a leading role in developing the ECOTREND macroeconomic forecasting model.

He has moved to LOXON in 2001 and become responsible to build up the business consulting team of LOXON and managing several projects in multiple contries transforming banks credit risk management practices (collateral management, rating scoring, loan approval systems and Basel II preparation projects throughout Central and Eastern Europe), contributing to LOXON becoming the market leader in the regions risk management and lending software market.

Based on this experience he was nominated to the position of partner in 2005 and is responsible for product development strategy and leading the regional operations of the company.

Mr. Ran Fuchs

Ran Fuchs is the global head of RiskMetrics Groups Credit Risk Business. He joined RiskMetrics Group in June 2007 after spending three years as the Asia Pacific regional manager for Misys Risk Management Systems.

Fuchs began his financial career in 1989 as a developer of a derivative risk system, followed by a role as financial products developer and derivative trader for Credit Commercial de France in Tokyo (now HSBC). He then became the head of the interest-rate derivative desk. He later joined JPMorgan in Sydney as a regional quantitative analyst and derivative trader. After that, Fuchs career shifted to financial software, first as an independent consultant in Australia and Singapore, and then in a risk specialist capacity at Wall Street Systems in London, where he was in charge of large risk and front-office implementation in Singapore, Europe and the U.S. Subsequently, he joined State Street Bank as an Asia Pacific regional MD, implementing risk solutions for a variety of buy-side clients such as GIC in Singapore and GAO-TAI Securities in Shanghai.

Fuchs holds a Masters Degree in Mathematics from Hebrew University and a Masters Degree in Computer Science & Mathematics from the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Mr. Keve Muler

Keve is an expert in credit risk with more than 10 years practical experience of implementing methodology in areas ranging from RWA calculations, credit scoring, economic capital and the risk aspects of credit origination sytems. As Director of the Budapest office for Finalyse, Keve has a unique insight into the risk management challenges in Hungary and the CEE region.

The Professional Risk Managers International Association (PRMIA) is a higher standard for risk professionals, with more than 65 chapters around the world and over 50,000 members from more than 180 countries. A non-profit, member-led association, PRMIA is dedicated to defining and implementing the best practices of risk management through education, certification, events, networking, and online resources. More information can be found at

Persoana de contact
Valentin P. MAZAREANU, PhD. student
Facultatea de Economie si Administrarea Afacerilor Iasi
Co-Regional Director PRMIA Bucharest Chapter
Project Manager
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]



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