Use this form to register at #SustainCityHack: Urban Mobility | Regeneration | Planning & Development.
Choose one of the challenges launched by us and on Sunday surprise the jury with your idea / solution.
Registrations are made exclusively in teams (3-5 members) and are open until April 7, 2022.
About #SustainCityHack
When? On the 8th, 9th and 10th of April, 2022.
Where? The Hackathon will take place online via the Discord Platform.
What? #SustainCityHack is an online hackathon co-organized by the Embassy of France/French Institute in Romania and ROTSA/ClujHub.
To whom is it addressed?
Territorial development experts, urban planners, architects, builders, project managers, entrepreneurs, transport companies, urban mobility experts, smart city application developers; representatives of Romanian and French public institutions, partners of French-Romanian decentralized cooperation; representatives of civil society (NGOs), university professors, students and citizens.
For 36 hours, participants will be able to work as a team to develop an innovative solution to help cities use their resources more efficiently and create sustainable urban environments by exploring the links between urban areas and peripheries (communes, villages). These solutions can be based in particular on the example of Cluj-Napoca, but may be applicable in all the cities of Romania experiencing similar problems.
English will be the language of the event.
A simultaneous interpretation in French and Romanian will be available during the webinar organized before the hackathon and for the opening and closing sessions.